PLWS is an army of home makers who have stepped out of their household chores to give back to society.
Since its inception by late Mrs. Meena Ranka, on Independence Day in the year 2002 with a mere 7 members, the aim has always been to keep the spirit of freedom and human love ongoing.
It began with an objective of helping the underprivileged by collecting old clothes and distributing them to the slum dwellers. The success and the joy of this first project was motivation enough required to continue giving back to society and to take up as many projects that came our way.
We at Progressive Ladies Welfare Society, are a dedicated team of house wives who are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our endeavor is to reach out to as many and help them in whatever bit we can. Our decision-making process is informed by thorough questioning, information seeking process and high-quality project evaluation. We strive to build productive and long-term relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits.
From 2002 till now our progress has been steadily growing.
Members from 7 are today 120. Donations from old clothes in the slums have grown and branched to benefit people from various sectors of the society, be it children, adults, senior citizens, women, mentally and physically challenged, below poverty line and so on. PLWS has left its mark at BMC hospitals, semi aided hospitals, schools, old age homes, shelter homes, slum dwellers etc.
Over the years with the goodwill built up from our honest work and complete transparency we have been able to collect donations from our inner circle of members and other reputed sources. All this was achieved by word of mouth, trust and faith in our objectives and commitments.